
I’m currently working on adding a number of features which I feel need to be done before I can do a beta release.

1, User sign up and account creation.
2, Implement bit/alt coin payments.
3, Allow streaming of a video file (a useful feature but open to abuse so currently in two minds over this functionality).
4, General code tidy up.
5, T&C/Privacy Policy
6, Drink more coffee.

We’re off to Hetzner

After a lot of pondering (see previous posts) after having a positive experience hosting other services at Hetzner i’ve decided to move there as well. So far they have provided me with a stable service with ping times from home around 24.5 ms and i’m able to max out my 75mbit FTTC connection. Even better from a server in London I get 250mbit down.


In the voice of Professor Hubert J. Farnsworth “Good news everyone” I have just completed the purchase of a logo for shunt. It has taken me a long time to get something that was both simple and illustrative of what the site is about.

It’s bit quiet?

Indeed it’s been a few months since my last update but that does not mean things haven’t been happening in the background.

  1. By far my current biggest work is being carried out to find a suitable host for the site and user files. While I have one at the top of my list they don’t currently provide the specifications I require. Another big factor in choosing a host is as they say Location Location Location, now while I have decided it will be in Europe I have yet to narrow it down to a specific country and things like connectivity and privacy laws play a big part in my selection. I need a host that I can grow with as my requirements change i.e increase of disk space with minimal/no downtime.
  2. Removing the ability to upload files with the same name.
  3. Add ability to create and move files between folders.

Share feature added

So what good is it if you have files but can’t share them with others? I have now added the ability to share individual file/s via a unique URL. Want to make them private again? no problem you can do that as well.

Productive Day!

So today has been very productive.

1, Upload files via curl including auth
2, List files via curl
3, Delete files via curl